Reflectors – Cables

Use wired street lighting.

Wired reflectors: They are connected to the electrical grid and provide a reliable and constant light source. These systems are ideal for tunnels, bridges and other critical infrastructure where permanent lighting is crucial. Despite the higher installation effort and energy costs, they enable improved visibility and contribute significantly to safety.


The problem: public lighting is being used more and more sparingly. This reduces light pollution and saves CO2 emissions,
electricity and administrative costs. But safety falls by the wayside. Therefore: Use wired street lighting.

We have the solution: wired street lighting

Wired street lighting offers the following advantages:

  • Traffic situations are recognized earlier, regardless of the lighting in your own vehicle
  • The lighting is already visible from around 1,000 meters
  • Smoother driving behavior and safer traffic conditions
  • Reduction of accidents
  • Flashing lights further increase the attention of road users

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